Welcome to the second part of this write up. The last time, I mentioned that in order to make it online!, you must first have the belief that you too will become a guru – an expert online whom other newbies will also be running to for training. This is very important because it is this belief that will gear you up for greater things online.
All the known gurus started first as newbie before going through the curves and today, they are call experts. Have the courage in the face of defeats and disappointments that nothing will make you to be discourage.
Treat every disappointment as the necessary experience which you must pass through before being call an expert in this new field of yours. Lastly, I mentioned that you must treat this online venture of yours as a business. Do not think of the money first because this will definitely come but think about this new business that you want to carry to the top in order for people to know you and regard you too as a guru.
Now to the continuation; you must have an adequate plan on ground before venturing on line. Make adequate plan of what it takes to make this business of yours a real business, then work hard towards it. I will not deceive you here, online business entails working hard. All the gurus that are making six figures today did not start like that initially.
There is always the teething period. You must try to lay a good foundation for your business, then work to sustain it. You must desist from the attitude of running from one venture to the other. I get caught up with this attitude when I first started but later realized that I was not making anything. I was just like a rolling stone which gathers no moss. That is why you must make adequate plan and then focus your attention on this plan of yours.

If you need instant money, then survey is for you but it is not a passive business. You must be constantly be doing surveys in order to have money. Whereas, you can be making money with Adsense even if you are not physically present. That is why Adsense money is regarded as passive money but all the structures must have been put in place ditto for information business, affiliate to mention just a few.
Once the structure is well on ground then the moneywill start rolling in but it involves perseverance. Therefore do not give up if you have not started seeing money flowing into your bank. Take this period as the learning process through which you must pass through in order to succeed and like every learning period, it take time to grow; just know that when there is a will, then there will surely be a way.
Don’t you forget, adequate planning is very paramount because without it, you may not get far. With adequate plan, results will show with adequate plan, the results will show with time. Later on, you will learn and know how to automate your business so as to save more time and money and with these, you can then have the time to embark on another venture on the net.

In addition, the importance of having your own niche could not be over emphasized; this is because according to some people, this is the blood and soul of your online business. This niche of yours should be something that you are so passionate about. I think I will have to write on NICHE very soon.
It should be involve in an area that should be of interest to you, you must fall in love with your niche so that it will definitely reflect in your bid to make it start laying the proverbial golden egg for you.
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